The Chop Notation Project Turns 1yr Old


I’m pleased to announce that The Chop Notation Project is celebrating its one-year release anniversary.

Since releasing it one year ago, the project has been downloaded over 1,000 times. Oriol Saña, my partner in the project, and I extend our sincerest thank you’s to everyone who has downloaded this work, shared the project, or incorporated the notation in their music.

I made a short arrangement of a festive classic (above) to mark this exciting occasion. Sheet music incorporating the chop notation for the above arrangement of Happy Birthday can be downloaded below. *NOTE: 5-string fiddlers can also read the G-Clef, but the final double-stop I played is only available with a C-string.

If you haven’t downloaded your free copy of The Chop Notation Project yet, head on over to today. And if you’re already a supporter, any help spreading the word is always appreciated.

We want to know about music being made with the notation so feel free to drop us an email to share your projects, ask questions, or offer feedback.

Very best,

Casey & Oriol

Oriol y Casey B&W.jpg